It is possible to wear contact lenses and get corrective benefits from eyeglasses while having astigmatism. We can provide special contacts and an eyeglasses prescription help you correct astigmatism so that you can see clearly. If you need eye care, we at Pflugerville Vision Care in Pflugerville, TX, are here to help.
The longstanding approach for correction of astigmatism involves prescription eyeglasses but it also possible to use contact lenses instead. We can use specialized contact lenses to help correct the vision of an eye astigmatism condition.
Specialized contact lenses can be designed with a cylindrical approach that refracts the light coming into the eye to enter a singular retina area. Known as toric contact lenses, these special corrective devices sit on the eye consistent with its actual shape.
Contact lenses and eyeglasses won’t make an astigmatism go away. Instead, they provide an adjustment that compensates for the presence of the astigmatism so that the patient can see clearly.
The first step towards specialized contact lenses for astigmatism involves an eye exam by an eye doctor to get a measurement of the patient’s eye. Everybody’s eyes can be somewhat different, so there is no standard approach when it comes to prescriptions for contact lenses. An optometrist on our optometry team applies the measurements to capture the curvature of the patient’s eye, and then the specialized contact lenses with the necessary prescription can be provided. Once ready, the patient might be then given a trial run fitting to make sure the lenses work correctly. Once complete, however, the fitted contact lenses avoid the need for eyeglasses, and provide a practical solution for astigmatism. If you are looking for eyeglasses instead of contacts, we can get you an optical prescription for those as well.
We at Pflugerville Vision Care are available for your astigmatism and optical needs. An optometrist on our optometry team can help you find and fit the right contact lenses for your eyes, giving you the visual freedom everyone else enjoys regardless of your astigmatism. Contact lenses and eyeglasses provide a viable, practical approach to clear vision and eyesight without surgery. Call us to schedule an appointment and evaluation at our Pflugerville, TX, office. We're here for you. Call us at (512) 251-4099 for more information.