Low-Level Light Therapy

Understanding Intense Pulsed Light Therapy

Dry eye syndrome can cause irritating symptoms and impact your ability to enjoy day-to-day life. This condition occurs when your eyes do not produce enough tears or only produce poor-quality tears, causing poor corneal health and decreased visual clarity. Fortunately, Pflugerville Vision Care in Pflugerville, TX, can treat and manage dry eye symptoms using several methods, including intense pulsed light therapy. Our family optometrist is here to tell you about intense pulsed light therapy and how it can treat dry eye.


Having dry eyes can leave your eyes feeling uncomfortable day after day and interfere with your regular activities. Pflugerville Vision Care in Pflugerville, TX, can give you the dry eye treatment you need to see vividly and help you enjoy your day-to-day life again. We offer low-level light therapy and other treatment options to ease dry eye symptoms. We are here to share more about low-level light therapy and how it can help you achieve dry eye relief.

What Is Low-Level Light Therapy?

Low-level light therapy is a dry eye treatment that uses LED red light to unclog glands in your eyelids that cause dry eye symptoms. Unlike other light therapies, low-level laser therapy does not produce heat. Low-level light therapy produces a photochemical effect on your eyes by having your eyes absorb light to cause change instead of using heat.

How Does Low-Level Light Therapy Work?

Low-level light therapy uses LED red light to stimulate your meibomian glands. This process, known as photoactivation, causes these glands to secrete oil. This oil keeps your eyes moist, which helps reduce dry eye symptoms. Low-level light therapy can be more effective than applying warm compresses to your eyelids at home since it can penetrate your meibomian glands at a greater depth. An optometrist can use low-level light therapy with other dry eye treatments to help ease symptoms.

What to Expect From Low-Level Light Therapy

Low-level light therapy is a non-invasive and safe procedure with minimal risk of side effects and complications. You will not experience any discomfort while having your eyelid glands exposed to LED red light. Your low-level light therapy will occur in our office and should take roughly 15 minutes. You will wear a lightweight mask on your face during the procedure. You can go back to your daily activities immediately.

Is Low-Level Light Therapy Right for You?

Whether low-level light therapy is correct for your dry eye symptoms depends on several factors, such as the severity of your symptoms. Our optometrist will evaluate your eyes and consider your medical history and other factors to determine if low-level light therapy is the best treatment for your needs. We can also go over other types of treatment for dry eyes, such as medication and other procedures. You can look forward to relief from redness, irritation, and other dry eye symptoms with help from our family optometrist.

​​​​​​​Visit Our Family Optometrist for Dry Eye Treatment in Pflugerville, TX

Low-level light therapy offers a safe and non-invasive way to reduce or eliminate dry eye symptoms, so contact Pflugerville Vision Care in Pflugerville, TX, to get the dry eye treatment you need to see vividly again. Call us and schedule an appointment today at (512) 251-4099 for effective dry eye treatment eye care near you.

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