Dry Eye

Dry eye can cause itching and swelling and make tasks like reading or driving difficult. At Pflugerville Vision Care in Pflugerville, TX, we provide comprehensive eye exams to learn more about your condition and treatment to alleviate any uncomfortable symptoms. Before visiting us, we invite you to keep reading to find out about some causes of dry eye and why treatment is important!

Causes of Dry Eye

Dry eye can occur due to a variety of causes. Some of these causes include:

•             Digital Eye Strain: Spending too much time in front of a television screen, computer, or mobile device can reduce a person's normal blinking rate. It also disrupts the normal formation of tears and how well they coat the eye, which contribute to dry eyes.

•             Medical Conditions and Procedures: Certain health conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes can affect how well your eyes produce tears. Not only that, but certain medical procedures can also lead to dry eye syndrome.

•             Environmental Conditions: Dry and windy conditions can prevent your eyes from producing enough tears and they may also evaporate quickly.

Treatment for Dry Eye

When you visit us, we will perform an eye exam to learn more about your eye health. We’ll also speak with you about your symptoms and recommend the necessary treatment. Some treatments we may suggest include:

  • Warm Compress — A warm compress can help unclog blocked glands and improve overall tear quality.
  • Lifestyle Modifications — Our optometrists may recommend taking screen breaks and utilizing a humidifier that can add moisture to the air.
  • Prescription Eye Drops — Eye drops can serve as artificial tears and relieve any discomfort.
  • In-Office treatment -- iLux thermal expression for clogged glands as well as Intense Pulsed Light laser treatment and Low Level Light Therapy
  • Specialty Contact Lenses — In severe cases, scleral contact lenses can be designed to retain moisture and help your eyes stay lubricated.


Contact us for an Appointment Today

If you are experiencing symptoms of dry eye, our team at Pflugerville Vision Care in Pflugerville, TX, is happy to help. After an assessment, we can create a customized treatment plan that can provide relief. To learn more about our treatments or to schedule your appointment, contact us at (512) 251-4099 today. When you need an optometrist near me, we look forward to assisting you!


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2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


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8:45 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 AM - 12:00 pm



8:45 am - 6:00 pm
8:45 am - 6:00 pm
8:45 am - 1:00 pm 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
8:45 am - 6:00 pm
8:45 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 AM - 12:00 pm


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